Chiara Dynys

Tutto Niente

04.23 –

The Alessandro Casciaro Art Gallery is proud to announce the first solo exhibition of Chiara Dynys in the new rooms of Via Cappuccini in Bolzano.

Dynys will present three brand-new work cycles:
The ten methacrylate casts which are representing open books, each in different colors, are displaying alternately the inscriptions Tutto Niente or Hole Whole.
Furthermore the unrevealed installation Solidi Platonici will be exposed in the exhibition. A composition of five geometric prisms, made out of mirror-smooth stainless steel which are fixed on a pedestal of 1,2 m side length.
In addition seven not yet published works will be displayed, made by the exclusive technology of lenticular printings, and framed by methacrylate casts; each focusing on subjects the artist picked up throughout her travels in the Middle East.
The solo show concludes with a work realized in 2012, a circular Triptych made out of cloth, sequins and Swarovski crystals with the stitchery inscriptions The Truth Is Never In The Center in English, Italian and French.

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