Robert Pan
Sans Souci
The impact of the works of Robert Pan derives from their beauty of concept and construction, from the intensity and splendor of their colors, from the exactitude and sure effect of the way those colors are nuanced.
The pigments are applied in numerous successive layers, sealed in resin, and filed and polished, all in the light of carefully construed relationships between areas of opacity and transparence. Pan’s craftsmanship is the vehicle for the achievement of a multidimensional experience of color in which larger and more complex tones result from the varying articulation of the hues that resonate beneath them.
According to the art critic Ivan Quaroni, Robert Pan is an artist who has spent over thirty years plumbing the depths of his own mind so as to build up a visual universe, poised between painting and sculpture, wherein one can legitimately glimpse a sort of intuitive transcription of geography of the heavens. Considering the spiritual and enigmatic nature of some of Robert Pan’s allusions, his cosmologies – or perhaps we should call them cosmogonies – are not the result of an astronomical observation of the mysteries of deep space but, rather, the outcome of an artistic practice that has ended up coinciding with the very exercise of introspection.
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